Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to All!

We have all been so busy the past few weeks that I haven't posted any pictures or blogged at all. We are enjoying the holiday season immensely! We put up the Christmas decorations the Friday after Thanksgiving. The kids have been enjoying watching the Christmas cartoons and movies. Everyday one the kids places the next piece of our Advent calendar on to the manger scene. This is a very big deal!

Luke was great in his class holiday program. The kids were all so cute! On Christmas Eve he will be performing in our church's Christmas program. He has a speaking part. Both he and Maggie will be singing in their choirs. We just have to keep them healthy.

Luke is on his second round of antibiotics for strep throat. At least he is on meds for the next ten days so hopefully he will stay healthy through the holidays.

We are all so excited we have family coming to spend part of the holiday with us. My sister and her family are coming and will be staying a couple of nights. We will have a full house! This year we are hosting Christmas for my family at our home. Yikes 17 of us in our little house! I am really looking forward to it! Matt is saying, "yah, I'll be out for the season..." Matt's brother's family is coming too! We are excited to see the Texas clan! Luke is sooooo happy that he will get to see all of his cousins this year!

I worked on Christmas cards today. So, I thought I would share what our good friend Dee came up with for our Christmas/New Years card. Coming to a mail box near you! Matt and I wish you all peace and joy in 2008.

Finally, a friend sent me very nice poem about the season and putting Christ and our families first.


If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata, but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child.

Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband, wife or significant other.

Love is kind, though harried and tired.

Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.

Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way.

Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return but rejoices in giving to those who can't.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust. But giving the gift of love will endure.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble, Gobble! I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did! I would just like to thank Matt's Aunt Darlene for hosting and making sure a wonderful meal. Man I am still stuffed! We can always count on a great doggie bag after being with Matt's family.

Today, I decided to forego the doorbusters and shop online. Well, after spending an hour online and selecting my purchases the Kohls online system farted out on me. I was soo mad! So, I jumped up and headed to the mall! Yikes was it crazy! I ran in and got my items and then spent about 20 or 30 minutes in a line that snaked through the whole store. I ran into a woman who lives in my neighborhood so the time went by quickly as we chatted.

Tomorrow Matt and I have a lunch date! Yeah!!!!! We are going to finish up the shopping for the kids and enjoy a couple of hours away from the kids!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Well, today is one of the best days in kiddom! Happy Halloween! Tonight we will be trick or treating at our former babysitter's neighborhood. This is a tradition that we started when luke was just a year old. It is the perfect neighborhood for trick or treating. Almost all the neighbors participate in decorating their homes and passing out candy to the kids. One family even puts together a haunted house! Luke and I will be going into the haunted house for another scare this year.

After we trick or treat, we head out to Jama and Papa E's house so the kids can show their grandparents their costumes. This year Luke is dressing up as Luke Skywalker and Maggie a beautiful princess. She has been in her costume all day and she even took her nap in it. Can you say Sleeping Beauty?

I am posting a couple of pictures from Luke "Halloween" birthday party this past weekend. It was a wild couple of hours. Just a tip 90 minutes is plenty of time for a birthday party. We did a 2 hour party and it was too long!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 1/2 over

Well, it has been awhile since I posted last. We have been busy. My new business is going well and I have to say it is a lot of fun! I love being an Independent Kitchen Consultant for The Pampered Chef. If you would like any information on product please email me and I will be happy to contact you and assist you with any questions that you may have about PC product.

Anyway, Matt and I are getting ready for Luke's birthday party. I can't believe my baby boy is going to be seven. We are having a Halloween birthday party at our home. Hopefully, everyone can come and will have a good time. I am also praying for nice weather. I would like for the party to be outside.

Luke is going to be Luke Skywalker and Maggie going to be Princess Aurora (that's Sleeping Beauty for those of you who are not up on your princesses). We can't wait! Our house is all decorated with spiders, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and one little happy witch.

Matt got a new to us camera lense so I will try to post some new pics soon!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

PME's and stuff

Well, Matt and I got back from our trip to California. We had the best time. It was so much fun being "just the two of us"! We went to Disneyland and had fun meeting some fellow podcasters at the park. Wandering around with no particular plan was very nice. I do have to admit that I did feel some guilt at the park at times and did miss having the kids with us. On the other hand, it was the first time that Matt and I got to go on rides together and that was a lot of fun!

After a day of Disney we drove back on the highway from hell! No really, I am not kidding! It was one of the most scarey things that I have experienced. When we got the car back to the rental place Matt dropped the keys and jumped out the of car and announced to anyone who was listening that he was done driving!

Then, we headed to the big event! Matt has wanted to attend the podcasting conference for three years and now he has done it! Can you say GEEKS! He was in heaven and he was with his people! I had a blast too! My inner geek kept popping up. It really is cool that we are part of the "new" media! Next year, we will be heading to Las Vegas for all the fun! And yes, they have moved the date of the conferece to the cool month of August. Yuck! I hate hot weather but I will see the Hover Dam, how cool with that be!

The kids had a great time at Camp Jama and Papa E's! I was happy to get home and it was so good to get hugs and kisses from my kids when we got back!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Fall!


It has been awhile since a posted last. We have been busy, busy, busy! I finally feel like we are all back in the swing of things! Luke is doing well in school. Maggie is as crazy as every. Matt is busy getting ready for our big conference trip. What is up with me? Well, I have started my own business. I am now an Independant Consultant for The Pampered Chef company. I am very excited about the opportunity. I signed the contract a week ago and all my stuff came on Friday. I LOVE IT! Matt is excited about it as well - which is a good thing! If you are interested in talking with me about The Pampered Chef company please email me.

I have started back at Weight Watchers too. I have only joined and rejoined too many times to count! The WW program works! I am a life timer. It is just hard to stick with it when you love high calorie foods! I am going to give it the old college try!

Well, the kids are getting crazy...gotta go!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

on eBay...

Ok, I just started exploring ebay. It is so addicting! I am trying to find some inexpensive Bitty Baby stuff for Maggie for Christmas. I have purchased a couple of items and have missed out on several other items.

Is a bargin really a bargin? Not always. I did discover that some ebay listers are not the most frugal with shipping charges. I am trying to buy Maggie a Bitty Baby crib. I have located a few and I am watching them. The truth is that some bargins could end up being more expensive than just buying it new from American Girl.

So, I continue to watch and bid with caution.

Friday, September 7, 2007

And a Spider Sat Down Beside Her

So, this morning Princess Buttercup and The Queen of North Clinton Blvd. were heading out for an appointment. After buckling Miss PB into our chariot, I walked around and walked right into a large spider web. Yes, I was extremely creeeeped out! Right as I got in the car I said to Maggie, "Sure hope that spider isn't on me!" Just as I said it I looked down and a big spider walked across my lap. "AAAHHHHHAAAA!" I jumped out of the car and started jumping up and down and screaming! Of course, what is Maggie's reaction? Pure laughter! She is laughing and screaming. "BAAAAD Spider, Spider bite Mama, Mama silly!" I am totally sure that the poor little spider -who was a least an inch big- was laughing to himself or herself, "Ha Ha got another one!"

I hate spiders! I would hold a snake any day but let a little spider get near me and I completely freak out!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hunan Sisters

Here are a few of the pictures we had taken of the girls this past weekend. One of our little sweeties was just not up for having her picture taken. I just love these girls so much! We are so blessed that we have such a wonderful extended family.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Reunion weekend

What a fun weekend! Our adoption travel group had our second reunion this weekend and boy did we all have fun! These are just a few of the pics we took! Our little ones have all turned into beautiful little girls!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

New pics

I wanted to post a few new pics of the kids. Luke on his first day of school and a pic of Maggie previewing her princess costume for this Halloween.

Friday, August 24, 2007

This little piggy got broke

This little piggy went to the market. This little piggy stayed home...and THIS Little Piggy went wee, wee, wee all the way to doctor's office. Yes, our little Princess broke her little, tiny, pinky, piggy toe! Poor baby! Yes, the jumping, bouncing, never sitting still daughter of ours dented her toe this morning. We iced it and I tried to keep her still but you can't keep her down. I put Luke on the bus and then Maggie and I headed to the first doctor's appointment. Dr. B. gave us a referral to see an orthopedic doc so we came home and waited.

By the time we left for the appointment this afternoon she was running around. Maggie had her first set of x-rays. It was the cutest set of x-rays I have ever seen. The doctor told us that little kids bones are like aluminum and that all though it wasn't a crack or a break that she had dented her toe - which he deemed broken. So, we have a little shoe and her toes are taped. A couple of weeks she should be ok.

I hope this isn't the first of many visits but I have a feeling it won't be our last!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Taekwondo testing

Last night Luke tested for his second belt for Taekwondo. He did great it was so exciting to watch him and his best little bud as they tested for Master Newberry. The evening started with the testing of one little guy who was in the Tiny Tiger group (ages 3 -5). He was so excited and he did great we all cheered the little guy on.

Then it was Luke and Colton's turn. They did great! They were both so excited and did their series of moves perfectly and with much enthusiasm! At the end of the testing, Luke was recognized for his enthusiasm and was asked to demonstrate his ayyy-yah for the whole crowd! He was so cute!

The whole way home he kept asking us if we were proud of him. Of course, we are! Congratulations, Mr. Yellow Belt!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Off to school

Summer is over...I have to say I am a bit sad right now. Tomorrow my little boy heads off to 1st grade. I am happy that we are going into fall but I am really going to miss the carefree days of summer. The three of us had such a great time! Well, now it is time for structure and schedules. I am looking forward to the next couple of months. Fall is such a beautiful season. I can't wait for sweatshirt weather and going to the pumpkin patch. I long for the sound and feel of leaves crunching as we run through them. I can't wait to roast marshmellows, eat pumkin donuts and drink apple cider.

Next month, we head to California and then time will start to fly by. October is Halloween; November is Luke's b-day and Thanksgiving; December the fun of the Christmas season!

We will talk about the long winter later...

Friday, August 17, 2007

The big sneeze!

So, tonight we are on our way out and Maggie starts a sneezing fest. I ask her if she needs help and she does. So I hold a tissue up to her nose and do the usual. Well, as any good mother will do I look at the outcome and to my surprise I find a dum dum sucker wrapper. Yuk! And yes I said a dum dum sucker wrapper! The past day or so she has been asking me for help with her little nose and I could see nothing.

Okaaaayyyy, WHY? Why does a 3 year old stick a sucker wrapper up her nose. I don't know. This is not a new thing to many parents. I met a couple two months ago who were monitoring their little one who had shoved lots of popcorn up her nose. Interesting... I know the brain develops over time. Does the young brain think I need that when it sees something it wants and tells the hand to shove that thing up the nose so it can get a closer look?

Talk amongst yourselves...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Garage Sales

Well, we are going to have a garage sale. Ugh! How I can't stand putting one together. We are not organized garage sale people. Yes, I do some prep work. I spend the week gathering up things around the house. But, I don't price things individually. I takes too long! I really don't know why we are doing one. A little extra money. Probably very little! But I decided what the heck. We have a crib that is in great shape that needs to go. An ottamon, that the kids have tried to kill themselves on by jumping off it and on to the couch. Some little girl clothes, toys and odds an ends. One thing that might be of great interest is our martini blender. Yes, and it still has the directions with. No cords - it is battery operated for your convenience. We might just give this one away!

The fun thing about garage sales is it brings out the early risers, the professional salers, and the neighbors. There is nothing like snooping through your neighbors stuff- with permission. I enjoying watching people look for that special find. What will be the unique nick nack or the mystery item that we have? The thrill of the hunt!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pool Day

Fun! Fun! Fun! Well, today we went to the pool for Maggie's birthday! We had a great time swimming and splashing! Perfect pool day with the high being in the upper 90s!


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Maggie Mei!

Wow, I just can't believe that my baby girl is 3! Tomorrow is our little sweetie's birthday but tonight we had a wonderful celebration! Maggie's Jama and Papa E. and Aunt Dee Dee and her Godparents and of course her best friends Colton and Makenzie came over to celebrate.

We had a blast!!!! Maggie and and Luke were so excited about the big party. Thanks to the family for all the fun and all the wonderful birthday presents! I will post pics tomorrow. I have to say it was pretty much a princess explosion!
Tomorrow we are going to do more presents and go to the pool.

We love you Margaret Susan Yan Ying!

Mom and Dad

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

So what's a girl to do?

So what's a girl to do when she needs a prince for her princess dolls? Go to her brother's room and find a Spiderman and/or a Superman action figure. If neither is available, well Buzz LightYear will do!

Just had to share!


Adoption Questions

Well, last night Maggie decided she wanted to read some books about adoption. We have several that are for young children. Maggie's new favorite is "Shaoey and Dot" by Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman. It is a story about a little Chinese baby who is befriended by a little ladybug. It takes a small child through from the point of the baby being abandoned/found to being adopted by her parents.

Reading this book opened the door for lots of questions from Luke about why his sister was left and why her birth parents could not keep her. We answered the questions the only way we know how. Truthfully, we don't know why. We speculated with him that maybe they didn't have enough money to take care of the baby. Luke always wants to dig deeper. His next statement was, " Well, then if they didn't have enough money then way did they have a baby." We went on to discuss that sometimes adults have to make very hard decisions and that Maggie's birth parents did what they though was best for her. Luke then wanted to know if he was adopted. No you grew in my tummy. Why didn't you have another baby grow in your tummy? I went through in an abreviated fashion that story with him. I told him that I had a pull at my heart that my daughter was in China.

After bed time, Matt was exhausted by all the questions. I told him Luke is just a warm up for all the questions that Maggie will have in the future.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Site change

Ok, so the site has already changed. That's what happens when your husband develops websites for a living.

So, who is ready for school to start? The last few days the Princess and Little Red have been at each other. One minute they are laughing and playing and then someone is screaming and crying. It has been so hot and miserable we have been held captive in our house. Tomorrow we are heading to the pool bright and early!

Less than two weeks and school will be back in session! This summer has been a lot of fun!


Monday, August 6, 2007

Princess Mania

Princess Mania has hit the Redboy household. We have been in Princess mode for quite awhile now but we are getting ready for the big Princess Birthday party this weekend. Little Miss Mei is going to be 3 this Sunday. This past weekend we celebrated the fun with a family birthday party with her Jama and Papa and a few cousins. She received a a bounty of Princess toys! Her favorite new toys were tiny "Polly Pocket" type Princess dolls. Maggie also received a very cute Princess tea set.

Tonight we went to Party City to get party supplies for the big party here at the Redboy household. They were having a big sale on balloons. We came home with two new mylar balloons for a buck a piece. Cheap entertainment! Anyway, this Saturday this house will be deck out in pink and purple with lovey Disney Prinesses. Hopefully, this year's cake will turn out. I will be attempting a purse cake.

Here is a pic of our little Princess Buttercup in her princess gear.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Shark Week

Yes, I am a shark week nut. I love it! I have been watching it faithfully now since 1990. WOW, I am such a dork! Anyway, all I can say is DON"T SWIM in CLOUDY WATER! Especially, where sharks are known to live, breed and oh, eat!


posting a pic

I am just trying to figure out how to post a pic on this. This is all new to me. Hopefully, I will be able to master this.


New Site

Hi everyone! I have just set up this new site to keep in touch with family and friends.

Today has been a crazy day. Our little drama queen is in rare form. She is down for her nap and little Red is out with his Grandma for a date. So, I decided to set up a new blog. I hope I can keep it updated.
