Thursday, July 10, 2008

Early Morning Day 2 in Hong Kong (7/10/05)

Early Morning Day 2 in Hong Kong

Good Afternoon!

I just woke up! It is 4 am but I did get about 8 hours sleep! Yes, I did wake up at midnight wide awake and decided to take one of Matt's happy pills. I am so glad I did.

The smells in Hong Kong at times can be quite over powering. We drove by beaches and saw families swimming and then we saw all the garbage in the water. It was very gross!

Driving through the city we saw all the housing. It was so interesting! All the windows had laundry hanging out to dry and it was pouring down rain. All the bamboo scaffolding is so weird. It also appears that they erect buildings and then do no maintence on them at all. Mold appeared to growing on a lot of buildings.

When we went to the mall in the afternoon, the place was wall to wall people. The noise was incredible. We saw some soccer promotion in the mall. It was very funny! They had a big blown up character running around. Some sort of promotion. It was fun! I made the comment about to Matt, "How many people do you think are here?" Matt said, "Everyone!"

The landscaping is so pretty all the lush greenery everywhere. Our taxi driver did say that this is monsoon (sp) season.

The people are very polite and friendly. We really don't feel the culture shock yet. I know tomorrow we will! It will be very interesting to see the differences from Hong Kong and Changsha.

I am very excited about meeting Maggie! I just can not believe we are leaving today! Tonight she will go to bed like any other day in her life and tomorrow everything will be shaken up! I am praying for a smooth transition for her and preparing myself for a rocky one.

I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like. I keep dreaming of her and what the moment will be like and tomorrow I will be living it.

Love you Luke!

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