Friday, July 11, 2008

Maggie Day! (7/11/05)

Good Morning! It is 5:30 am Monday morning and we are only five hours away from meeting our Maggie! I have had 5 hours of sleep. I woke up this morning starving. I had some of my oatmeal that I packed. It was sooo good. This morning breakfast starts at 6:30 am. Matt wants to eat early today! We have to see Echo this morning about paperwork.

Last night coming in from the airport it was very dark. No real street lights. It was after 9 pm and there were so many people outside. It is very hot here! The shops were all opened and people were milling about. As we passed by people we were now the attraction. Very poor area we drove up through. So many men outside with no shirts on, children running everywhere, you would have thought is was 12 noon. Couples riding on motorbikes and the women were on the back riding side saddle. We also so a man on a motorbike with a large cart that he was using as a fish tank. In the back of the cart there was a catfish. Did I say if is different here? It is so interesting to see all of this and to take it all in.

Then, we pulled up to the Dolton and the lobby is so lavish and grand and it is in the middle of all this poverty. We were very happy to get in and to our room. I was hopped up on adrenaline again and got things somewhat organized for today.

Today, after we get the babies we will be going to Walmart to get supplies. It is so funny to be so happy about something so mundane. We will be shopping for baby clothes, baby food and baby shoes. For us bananas and oranges (fruit that can be pealed), chips, Ritz crackers will be a good start!

We love and miss you Luke! The day is finally here, we are going to meet your little sister! Big Hugs and Big Kisses are coming to you from around the world!!!!


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